Thursday, December 22

the days get longer

Finally, with a double handful of natural pharmaceuticals, I managed to get some shuteye last night. My sleep was still fractured, i.e. I woke up (and looked at the clock) several times, but each time I was able to doze off again. After being a miserable wreck and going home several hours early yesterday, I am back to my normal grouchline today.

I love Dec. 22, when the days start getting longer again. Sundown, falling darkness, is meaningful in a Jewish country. But the buildup of tension as darkness falls earlier and earlier is a small psychological torment in a world where minor psychological torments are strewn in one's path daily. With the winter solstice now behind us, I can optimistically look forward to the days when I can drive home from work in the sunshine, when evenings out will be neither dark nor cold, and when the supermarket that closes now at 2pm on Friday (to give lots of time for workers to get home before sundown, i.e. the start of Shabat) will be open for business until 7.

Sure it's all in my head, but more light just feels like more time. And I am starved for time.


At 23/12/05 05:49, Blogger dazpup said...

Hi, can I wish you a Merry Christmas? Or does that make me a dope. Any way have a nice Holiday. Do you get Christmas off work like we do?? Is Ms Squarepeg going to have to join the Israel Army at 18? Do you have the Draft like the US had? SAM

At 23/12/05 09:23, Blogger squarepeg said...

D, you can wish me any sort of merriness you choose, tis gratefully received! Christmas doesn't exist here, except in the fond nostalgia of expat diasporites, so no, we don't get any holiday. And Hanukah holidays are strictly for school kids, and parents who still have any accrued holiday hours left after burning them up earlier in the year. I don't. The Israeli army does automatically draft pretty much everyone right after they finish high school, or reach 18.

At 24/12/05 04:19, Blogger Lucy said...

If the natural pharmaceuricals don't cut it, look into Lunesta. It apparently rocks and doesn't make one daft or an addict.

I'm glad the shortest day of winter is behind as well. My oldest's school starts at 7:40, so I get up in the pitch dark in winter.

At 25/12/05 16:39, Blogger squarepeg said...

thanks for the tip, esbee!


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