Monday, August 22

airport day

Baby comes home today. I've worked the equivalent of another whole day in the past week, so I can afford to leave at 3 for the airport without it costing me valuable hours. But the pressure at work is gruesome right now; I have 280 pages of new website to produce and my only writing colleague is on holiday this week, and our graphics colleague has his wife in the hospital. And my usually wonderful boss is having trouble maintaining her usual buffer zone between me and the unreasonable CTO (who's in charge of the website) above her. I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed.

So I'm blogging! :))

The kid sounds a bit bummed about returning to the homeland after her wonderful month of being completely spoiled by family in Canada, but as I pointed out: Which would you prefer, to have such a good time that you don't want to come back, or such a lousy time that you can't wait to come back? She agreed her experience was preferable. But I am expecting some sullen teenage attitude along with the hugs and kisses. After all, she turned the big THIR-TEEN two days ago.

As Kramer would say, "Giddyup!"


At 22/8/05 16:16, Blogger Liza said...

I have so much work that I can hardly think straight, and I keep getting more. The pressure is mounting, the deadlines are looming. What am I doing? I'm reading your blog! :-)

Glad to hear your daughter had a good trip. Our son is just over a year old, so I'm guessing that we won't be sending him to visit family in the old country any time soon...

At 22/8/05 21:12, Blogger squarepeg said...

They always say the kids grow up before you know it, but frankly it seems to me like it's taken forever! Even so, it's shocking when they get there, and I guess when it's over, it's over... that kid you just always assumed would be little forever isn't anymore.
Anyway, the workload is starting to freak me out so much it's having a deer-in-headlights effect, especially this week with no one to commiserate with! Oh yeah, and the constant negative feedback from the CTO jerk doesn't exactly help.


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