Friday, January 6

bulldoze this

It's a sad time with the whole country, like vultures, on deathwatch. Slowly we come to terms with the fact that Sharon is gone, for all intents and purposes. Odds are he either won't live out the week, or will live a short while in a brain-damaged state which is not preferable to blissful release. But speculating is like trying to play God.

Funny thing, about playing God. My distrust of doctors and their poison potions has only been reinforced this week with current events. It would seem that ill-advised blood thinners prescribed by Sharon's doctors were the cause of his massive brain hemorrhage, hurrying his exit somewhat.

But who knows how much time he would have had? Perhaps this script was written a long time ago ... even Shakespeare couldn't have written a plot with more dramatic timing.


At 7/1/06 04:53, Blogger dazpup said...

Pastor Pat in the USA said God struck down Sharon for splitting up Israel. I wish God would tell me thins.. Both george bush and pastor pat get the low down from God every day.. How nice!

At 20/1/06 09:10, Blogger squarepeg said...

yeah, it's okay, we're quite used to the pronouncements of loony religious fundamentalists in these parts. I give them all the energy they merit -- i.e. none whatsoever.


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