Saturday, May 20

for the conspiracy theorist at heart

The Squarepeg family went off to see The Da Vinci Code this evening, at the initiation of Ms. Squarepeg, surprisingly. This is the most "adult" movie she's ever expressed an interest in seeing, having been intrigued by the trailer that's been playing repeatedly on tv. We all enjoyed it, her despite all the expository dialogue, me despite the cheesy melodrama of the ending. And for Mr. Squarepeg, a movie that has car chases (including one with the heroine driving in reverse!), guns and lots of blood could never rate less than a 7. I thought Ron Howard's use of dramatic and historical flashbacks was a very clever way to break up all that wordy explanation which would have to put most moviegoers to sleep, and his use of gorgeous aerial photography and CSI-like zoom-in special effects showed excellent use of that huge Hollywood budget.

Who cares if it's all nonsense? Conspiracies are the spice of life.


At 21/5/06 13:04, Blogger Liza said...

Wow! If you can blog this much after only one drink in a bar with me, we will definitely have to meet up more often. :-)

At 21/5/06 21:49, Blogger squarepeg said...

I still can't believe you trushted me to drive ...

At 22/5/06 13:12, Blogger Liza said...

uhhh... ;-)


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