Sunday, March 26

lighter side of bird flu

With over a million fowl destroyed in these parts so far as a result of the bird flu epidemic, I've already received several times instructions by email on how to handle poultry and eggs in order to avoid being contaminated. No sunny-side-up eggs. Raw eggs as an ingredient, which I always avoid anyway, are absolutely out now. And I personally have no intention of buying or handling raw chicken for the foreseeable future. Tivol, the soy meat-substitute people, are celebrating I guess.

So this is what's making the email rounds today (in Hebrew):

A bear, a lion and a hen meet.
Bear: When I roar in the forest, the whole forest trembles in fright.
Lion: When I roar in the desert, the whole desert runs in fear.
Hen: Big deal, all I do is cough and everybody shits themselves.


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