Monday, September 13

Finally, validation of my negativity!

Math shows that empathizing with your partner could lead to divorce

from "The Calculus of Coitus"

So someone (actually, Australian Dr. Clio Cresswell) has written a book that lays out the mathematical calculations that help explain sex and relationships. It's full of Ph.D-only equations that prove, among other things, that I'm still married BECAUSE and not in spite of my negativity. Dr. Cresswell posits that empathizing too much -- i.e. holding in that criticism or complaint of Significant Other (SO)'s behavior -- leads to a higher rate of divorce.

Say it with me: "You're getting on my nerves!"


At 4/10/04 13:16, Blogger Lioness said...

:DDD (Oh, I haven't thanked you for delurking! I don't mind lurkers, it's just that I'm homesick.)


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