Sunday, November 21

blogito ergo sum

If I don't post for 3 days, does anyone notice? My life seems to be on hold as I wait for the phone to ring. I am to the job world what Breakup Babe is to the dating world. Which I wouldn't mind, if I could get a book deal out of my loser experiences too.

I have even taken to carrying my cell phone into the gym, which I always think is a social sickness when I view it in others (the cell phone having become the ultimate symbol for our obsessive need to feel Not Alone), keeping one eye on it as I power-walk the treadmill. I won't be able to hear it since I'm earphoned into the music box, but it will flash if someone calls. No one does.

Still, Mr. Squarepeg is optimistic that my unemployment is drawing to a close, and there has been harmony on the homefront this weekend. Quite a relief. No frustration, bitterness, harping or recrimination for a full 3 days. (Note to self: call Guinness people.) We even had a date sans-kid on Friday evening, and pigged out on sushi and other yummies at a noisy but friendly place not too far from home.

As arranged, I went to see my Plan B employer today -- English "school" which is really just an English business -- it sends teachers out to the wealthier hi-tech companies the same way a madam sends out call girls. Pretty much consistent with the way I view the working world. Fearing to commit in case I get the job I want, I told them I was starting a part-time job and wasn't sure yet of the hours, but that I'd get back to them within the week.

If I don't hear from those #@!#%$^&*(#*%$ by Wednesday afternoon, I'm going to have to call them myself and see what the story is, cause I need to commit to something that's going to bring in some cash.


At 22/11/04 20:55, Blogger Lioness said...

Actually you smartass, I was going to write "Thou art neglecting thy writing duties" on the other post's comments. tried of coming in to the same post OVER AND OVER AGAIN. V. boring. So yes WE DO NOTICE!!! I've never had sushi - how sad of me no? Yes? Kick their asses, yes! V. not done, this keeping people waiting. ;) The title is fabulous!!! (More so bcs in Portie it means tiny blog, "um blogito, blogzinho").

And I can't remember whether I did post abt this but the day/ dawn I finished my proofing chores I came in and wrote The Longest Comment That Ever Saw the Light of Day abt it and more stuff - more like a letter really and blogger ate it up. The ONE TIME I forget to do it in Word... So yes, i came in to celebrate with you and your blog kicked me in the balls. How's that for manners.

At 22/11/04 21:48, Blogger squarepeg said...

yes, I'm a self-pitying little smartass ... the worst kind. am v. bummed at the moment by The Situation and just feel like wallowing in superficial blog porn, preferably the self-pitying kind like the aforementioned, archives and all, noting with satisfaction that it took her a long time to elicit comments, and now who's laughing? anyway, I DO appreciate this totally free blogger service, but they really blow sometimes, like last night when I couldn't publish at all, and was forced to cheat by publishing the post this morning with last night's time-stamp (since that's when I wrote it. AND I only did a ctrl+A and C at the last second before it disappeared, to save it in word. that was lucky) but damn! v. sorry to have missed your longest ever missive. kissesXXX


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