Sunday, November 14

over and out, and movin' on

I was incredibly nervous about my interview this morning, and felt my stomach spasming whenever I thought about it, but it went fine. The good news is I'm into the next stage of the process: I've been given a homework test to do that will give them an idea of my writing skills (it's a marketing writing job). The bad news is that I think a lot of people are in this stage with me, so I can only hope my skills will outshine theirs. The other bad news is that I may not know for about 3 weeks, since the decision-maker is going to be out of the country. So I have to find a stop-gap for about the next month, at least. I do have an interview with another company on Wednesday, and I've made contact with the English school I used to work for, so maybe I can get a little cashflow going.

What happened, meanwhile, with the psycho witch? I had told her I would be in today, and I couldn't really deal with the guilt of not calling in at all, so I did call right after my interview. I steeled myself talking to her, by knowing I was not going to take any more crap from her, since I have the upper hand now (she needs me, and she doesn't owe me any money at this point). I asked her if she wants me to come, and she answered with a snarky, "What do you think?" So I said, "Just so you know, this will be my last day." When she started complaining about that, I said, "Sorry, but all the goodwill's burned off." She continued with some bla-bla bitchiness, and I cut her off, saying, "Do you want me to come in or not?" She answered primly, "Yes please." So I drove over there, leisurely getting myself a croissant in the neighborhood first, building up my inner swagger. I was not going to give her a millimeter today.

Supposedly, I was at a meeting with my daughter's principal this morning, as I didn't want to tell her about the interview. She tried to ask me about that, as if she could possibly be interested. Conversation gambits for her are just ways of opening the door to personal criticism. "What happened with your daughter?" she asked. I said, "Not much," with no intention of going further or explaining it. She gave me one of her arched eyebrow looks that said, "Go on; you're not getting off the hook; ANSWER me!" and I just said, "I really don't care to discuss it; let's just get to work."

And then she said, "With the attitude you're displaying, I'd just like you to go right now." I'm sure she was bluffing, in an attempt to get me to bend to her, but I was delighted. "Fine by me," I said. I picked up my bag and walked out the door without even looking at her again, saying, "Have a nice life." She called after me, "I hope you have a better time at your next job with that attitude." And I countered, "Right back atcha, lady." It made me smile knowing she's totally screwed without my help right now. I laughed all the way home.

My birthday's tomorrow, but I felt like I started it today!


At 15/11/04 20:50, Blogger Lioness said...

You're my hero!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!! The Wicked Bitch of the East is dead. YEY!!!

At 16/11/04 01:51, Blogger Lioness said...

I sent you an e-card, still on time! But seeing as e-cards sent by me tend to be gobbled up by the ethernet, and seeing as it's still today (23.49), dahlingest S.: YOM OLEDET SAMEACH!!!

All the very best to you and may the tide turn NOW!!!

A big big kiss (bcs that's what Porties do, we kiss everyone at the slightes opportunity, so chin up and bear with it).


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