Sunday, November 28

update on job front

The weekend sort of got extended today: The kid's cough was full-blown and she's been blowing her nose for at least 3 days, so I let her stay home. She pretty much stayed in bed watching tv and reading and being grateful for the day off. There's such a weird paradox about mothering a sick kid: It both feels like hell and gives the greatest feeling of meaning imaginable. I first noticed this when she was about 18 months old and got me out of bed repeatedly to minister to her virus-suffering needs. And now, at age 12, nothing much has changed; I still feel like a righteous, blessed, loving angel bringing her goodies on a tray to eat in bed, enjoying her delight at being spoiled. It's a pleasure of life that comes right out of left field. Who knew?

So back to the job front. It was looking like a depressing day, still waiting for the phone to ring. Then I got a call that was a referral from someone else, to do a freelance job that didn't sound at all convenient, given the current situation, so I passed but offered to post the job for her on the writers list I belong to.

Then I just started feeling like I had to hear something from Company No. 1 -- it's been several days since they asked for the reference, and nothing has moved. Feeling terrible dread and almost suffocating nerves, I called the woman who I sent the homework assignment to, and she answered right away. She was pleasant and told me they liked the work I did but that the manager is out of the country for another week, and has not made any decisions yet. She said, "I'm trying to get some information for you guys, and I know this waiting is a difficult situation. I'll let you know as soon as I can."

After I hung up, the dread in my gut didn't go away for a long time. Being unable to take decisive action is difficult when you're living with someone who's putting pressure on you to help him with the burden and start contributing financially already.

But around 7pm I got a call from Company No. 3 -- where I interviewed last week -- and they want me to come back again this Wednesday. I wasnt very keen on this place at all, by far preferring No. 1, but now I'm not so sure. What it all comes down to for me is the the chemistry of the atmosphere and people in the place I'm working -- work is mostly crap anyway; I don't expect much satisfaction from my forced labor -- and atmosphere and people are elements that are very hard to judge until you're in them.


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