Sunday, October 2

having survived september

It's the New Year in the Hebrew calendar tomorrow, and we'll be experiencing a rare annular eclipse here in this hemisphere, supposedly referred to as a potentially cataclysmic event in Nostradamus's prophecies. We shall see [she intoned ominously].
[Update: the eclipse turned out to be pretty lame in these parts, unlike in Madrid. It got next to no press coverage and passed through completely unnoticed unless, like me, you had a pinhole projecting a circle with a bite out of it onto white paper. Interesting, but not quite riveting.]

September was a VERY LONG month. What with school starting again for my young teen and getting her used to the academic routine (the Ritalin is helping, at least) and the heat really being on at work with too many projects and too few bodies (the pregnant colleague doesn't help either), the past month has only been bearable in that I knew October was coming.

And now it's here.

One day of work today, the next three off, then one more. Next week: three on, then two off. After that, two weeks of one day on, two off, and two on.

Eat yer hearts out, diaspora!

Oh yeah -- Chag Sameach and Shana Tova! [happy holiday & happy new year]


At 8/10/05 15:45, Blogger Lioness said...

We are eating them. Meh.

And I fully managed to miss the eclipse, clean forgot abt it. Meh meh.

Hag sameach!


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