Tuesday, September 14

bush scarier than ever

I'm eating up news of Kitty Kelley's new book on the Bush dynasty. Scary people, these Bushies. Kelley was interviewed in Salon and here's the most disturbing exchange:

What do you think W. will do if he loses in November? Will he happily go back to baseball?
No. You know something that I have found out from this family after four years -- he doesn't plan to lose. They know how to win -- no matter what.

What does that mean?
That means these people can put the Sopranos to shame.

Does that mean vote stealing?
That's a bit overt. But nothing will stand in the way of these people winning. Nothing. You start out looking at the Bush family like it's "The Donna Reed Show" and then you see it's "The Sopranos."

And this quote is almost as frightening:

But, as one of W.'s Yalie frat brothers tells Kelley, it's not the substance abuse in Bush's past that's disturbing, it's the "lack of substance ... Georgie, as we called him, had absolutely no intellectual curiosity about anything. He wasn't interested in ideas or in books or causes. He didn't travel; he didn't read the newspapers; he didn't watch the news; he didn't even go to the movies. How anyone got out of Yale without developing some interest in the world besides booze and sports stuns me." New Yorker writer Brendan Gill recalls roaming the Kennebunkport compound one night while staying there looking for a book to read -- the only title he could find was "The Fart Book."

I find it very difficult to understand why Israelis don't get how dangerous this guy is to the whole world. Because the Bush administration is clearly hardline anti-terrorism and by extension effectively anti-Palestinian-interests, they see Bush as "good for the Jews". This is very narrow-minded and (they admit) provincial, but how can it be rationalized by intelligent people with a world view? Bush (i.e. his ratpack, since it's evident he hasn't got the brains) is only concerned with the interests of the elite (be they American or Arab), and that is bad for everyone, including Israel.


At 4/10/04 13:21, Blogger Lioness said...

I am so convinced he will win again. "Win", that is. He's done it before, why should they play clean now? Very scary. And after these next 4 years, there's always his brother. Or a chum. It's a horror movie, we all pay a terrible price.


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