Tuesday, November 30

and you thought it was just paranoia!

Yes, motherhood does have its particular sweetness, but enough of that. I've always noticed how the more children a woman has, the older she looks; there's a shitload of wear and tear in devoted mothering! Now scientists have discovered the biological mechanism involved in the degenerative process: Prolonged psychological stress actually speeds up the destruction of the DNA protecting our chromosomes, weakening the immune system and leaving us vulnerable to endless age-related disintegrative processes.

What's more, the linked article also warns of the same effect from another of life's major, common stressors: commuting -- which I've always avoided like the plague knowing how hard it is on the nerves:

Commuters can experience greater stress than fighter pilots going into battle or police officers facing a rioting mob. Many workers feel extreme pressure when their journey to work goes wrong, said psychologist Dr David Lewis, who carried out the research. While fighter pilots or police officers feel stress, they have the advantage of being relatively in control of their situation. Hapless commuters, on the other hand, can do nothing if their train breaks down or they get stuck in a ten-mile traffic jam on the motorway.
I like to think I'm terribly clever, but just breathing presents us with stresses whether we like it or not. Even though I've made it a habit -- no, my life's mission, really -- to minimize stress wherever possible, to avoid complications (unless they have a very good payoff), and to reward myself with relaxation wherever preventing stress wasn't possible, I still chose to marry, have a child, and live in a country not exactly known for an attitude of "hakuna matata". Go figure.

Keep popping those antioxidants!


At 1/12/04 19:46, Blogger Lioness said...

Scary! Don't pop too many, you need some around for cancer cells and such. Scarier!


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