Monday, December 13

jonesin' for drama

hmph. Now that I've thrown in the towel on the job-hunt, I'm wondering where I'm going to scare up some drama. No doubt this is just a brief intermission, but it feels like hibernation.

I've noticed I keep dreaming of the wicked witch of royal jelly. Why the blazes is she constantly in my dreams? Something unresolved there? Bugger.

I'm resigned to returning to the life of an itinerant English teacher, and I shall do my best to extract whatever drama may be found among the various parts of speech. At the moment, I'm waiting (again, but not fruitlessly, I trust) for that boss to get back to me with an assignment, or several. We do need to get the cash flowing, people. Retail therapy is all well and good, but it must be subsidized somehow.

It's Hanukah break, and the kid is off school for a week. Since she's still somewhat challenged socially (I do hope it's not genetic), she and I are spending quite a bit of time together. Yesterday it was baking chocolate chip cookies; today it was a walk into town (how ridiculous that this is the first time we've ever done that, car-addicted suburbanites that we are -- it's barely a half-hour walk) to hang out on "main street" and drop a little cash. This evening we played Scrabble, which she's damn good at, and even whomped my ass once, even though her vocabulary is a small fraction of mine. What she lacks in word-power she makes up for in strategy.

All this is helping to keep me off my blog-addiction, though I did sneak a peek at a few new ones while checking out the blog award nomination lists. A new favorite is Electric Venom. Now there's a woman who knows how to exploit a life drama.


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