Tuesday, August 2

work, work, work

I'm getting massive amounts of work projects piled on me suddenly. In the past seven months, I've hardly ever been seriously busy for more than the odd day. Now, though, it would really be nice to have more than 1-1/2 writers on the payroll.

And wouldn't you know this has happened just when I've planned a holiday. On Thursday, Mr. Squarepeg and I are taking our very first holiday all alone, ever. Having the sprog visiting family in Canada for a month has made this possible. We'll be in Prague for 4 days (a destination Ms. Squarepeg would never countenance), so I'll be absent from this screen unless I get into an Internet cafe (good chance of that, despite the city's famous architecture -- I'm an addict, remember).

Funny, I feel no guilt whatsoever.


At 3/8/05 14:27, Blogger as said...

Bon voyage!


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